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Stormwater Infiltration Basin Inspections in MD, DC & VA

A stormwater infiltration basin is a low-lying space that collects stormwater runoff to prevent flooding, reduce downstream erosion, and improve water quality in nearby streams or lakes. Essentially, it is a shallow, artificial pond designed to slowly release stormwater by infiltration, evaporation, or, in the case of flood conditions, emergency overflow.

As with other aboveground stormwater facilities, infiltration basins require routine maintenance to continue operating as intended. iSTORMWATER provides the services you need. We inspect and maintain all varieties of stormwater facilities, including infiltration basins.

Contact us online or call (410) 231-3455 to schedule a stormwater infiltration basin inspection in Maryland, DC & Virginia.

Benefits and Limitations of Infiltration Basins

Infiltration basins are a popular type of aboveground stormwater facility because they:

  • Reduce local flooding
  • Limit downstream erosion and scouring by decreasing the peak flow rate of stormwater discharges
  • Help preserve the natural water balance of the site
  • Can be used both small and large developments
  • Eliminate the load discharged to surface waters
  • Help maintain the baseflow of nearby streams

Infiltration basins also have some limitations. For instance, they:

  • Are only compatible with certain soil types
  • Have a relatively short lifespan due to sediment settling at the bottom of the basin
  • Require frequent maintenance to retain infiltration capacity
  • May not be appropriate for industrial sites or other areas where spills may occur
  • Are not suitable for steep slopes or fill sites
  • Require ample surrounding space during installation

If you think an infiltration basin is right for your site, we can help with the design, implementation, and maintenance process. Give us a call at (410) 231-3455 to learn more.

Why Stormwater Infiltration Basin Maintenance is Necessary

Stormwater management facilities are typically low-maintenance, but they are not maintenance-free. In fact, you are required by law to create a maintenance plan for your infiltration basin. The benefits of doing this include:

  • More effective operation
  • Increased life span of the facility
  • Improved aesthetics
  • Boosted property value

Need help formulating an efficient, cost-effective maintenance plan for your infiltration basin? iSTORMWATER is here to help. Contact us for more information.

Stormwater Infiltration Basin Inspection & Maintenance

Here are some examples of the maintenance tasks required to keep infiltration basins operating as intended. Be aware that some items pertain only to vegetated systems known as bioinfiltration basins.

Design phase maintenance

Many elements of the site’s design will affect its maintenance burden over the years. For the best results, the design should:

  • Limit the drainage area
  • Provide easy site access
  • Provide a pretreatment
  • Utilize native plantings in the case of a bioinfiltration basin

Construction phase maintenance

Implementing proper construction methods can reduce problems with operation and maintenance in the long term. For instance, the contributing drainage area must be fully stabilized before the practice goes online. Inspections during construction ensure that the contractor builds the basin according to the approved professional design.

Operation and maintenance phase

Consider these important post-construction maintenance practices for stormwater infiltration basins.

Within the first year:

  • Inspect the basin following major storms, especially in the first few months after construction. If stormwater remains in the system beyond 72 to 96 hours, try replacing the top few inches of filter media. If that doesn’t work, additional maintenance may be required.
  • If you plant vegetation, adequate irrigation is required to help the plants become established. Set up temporary sprinklers to supplement rainfall until the plants mature.

Quarterly (and within 24 hours of storms generating over 1 inch of rain):

  • Clean out accumulated sediment. If the accumulation is substantial, search for the source and remedy the problem, if possible.
  • Clean the inlet and outlet pipes.
  • Place riprap, rock, or reinforced turf matting to avoid erosion.


  • Inspect the pretreatment and inflow systems for clogging and remove sediment if present.
  • Check the filter strip or grass channel for evidence of gullying or erosion. Apply sod if necessary.
  • Inspect the health of trees, shrubs, and non-wood plant species, and replant as needed.
  • Remove dead or diseased vegetation.

Annually (in the fall):

  • Remove sediment and debris that accumulate in pretreatment areas.
  • Inspect the infiltration surface and inflow points for any built-up road sand/salt. Remove as needed and replant any dead vegetation.

Annually (in the spring):

  • Prune and remove the previous year’s dead plant material.
  • Remove accumulated leaves, if necessary, or perform a controlled burn if appropriate.

As needed:

  • Prune and weed vegetation to maintain a neat appearance.
  • Redistribute mulch when erosion occurs.
  • Replace mulch that has decomposed.
  • Mow the filter strip.
  • Remove trash and debris.
  • Replace vegetation if the plant density falls below 90%. If plants die for no apparent reason, test the soil or consult with a horticulturist.
  • Perform core aeration or cultivation to prevent sediment from clogging the surface of the ponding area.

Other maintenance considerations

  • You may be required to sign a legally binding maintenance agreement with the local review authority.
  • To avoid soil compaction, no vehicles are allowed within the footprint of the infiltration area. Foot traffic and stockpiling should also be minimized.
  • Infiltration basins should generally not serve as snow storage areas, especially in places where road salt is used.

If you don’t have the time, resources, or experience to implement these tasks yourself, contact iSTORMWATER. Our services will help your infiltration basin work as intended for many years to come.

Schedule a Stormwater Infiltration Basin Inspection in MD, DC & VA

As an industry leader with nearly 20 years of experience, iSTORMWATER is highly qualified to inspect and maintain your stormwater infiltration basin. Let us help you create a maintenance plan that maximizes the performance and aesthetics of your stormwater management system. We guarantee your satisfaction!

To schedule your next infiltration basin inspection, please contact us at (410) 231-3455. We serve customers in Maryland, Washington, DC & Virginia.

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Real Results

iStormwater LLC was an excellent choice. They made the process of the Stormwater pond repairs seamless. They took charge of the project and got the project approved and passing the inspection. We highly recommend them and would use them again.

Lyonswood HOA

Incredible stormwater management service. The owner John consulted on a property I manage and ended up saving us thousands of dollars in environmental fees from the government. Now, our property is compliant with the EPA and we have a great partner to keep us maintained on stormwater regulations over time.

Kelly E.

So helpful with all of my water issues.

Kel R.

Great communication and leadership and a family friendly atmosphere. Thank you John!

Brian D.
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