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How Stormwater Runoff Impacts Water Quality

Posted On: June 06, 2024

Water flowing heavily from old pipe into runoff pondBuildings and pavement contain a large amount of pollution, including oil, fertilizers, cleaning agents, road salts, pesticides, heavy metals, grease, dirt, etc. When rain falls, or snow melts, these pollutants seep into the soil or are carried into surrounding streams and rivers.

This runoff severely impacts regional water quality and exposes vegetation, wildlife, and aquatic habitats to pollutants that can negatively affect the ecosystem. Thus, controlling stormwater and diverting it safely away from streams, rivers, and lakes is essential for protecting the environment’s health.

Ways To Prevent Polluting Your Local Water Sources

Businesses have a duty of care to the community, including capturing, containing, and conveying stormwater before it reaches the local water supply. At iSTORMWATER, our solutions are designed to meet your needs and comply with all applicable environmental regulations.

There are many strategies and solutions businesses can utilize to protect local water sources. These include:

  • Aboveground facilities: These include stormwater management pounds, bio-retention facilities, infiltration basins, sand filters, and extended detention facilities.
  • Belowground facilities: These include storm filters, detention facilities, the Aqua-Swirl stormwater treatment system, and Baysaver Technologies.
  • Preventative stormwater maintenance: Maintaining your stormwater management systems entails inspecting, tuning, repairing, and assessing the effectiveness of your existing stormwater management systems.
  • Flood mitigation: Floods are increasingly common throughout the region. Implementing an effective flood mitigation plan will protect your property from damage and prevent the release of toxic runoff into the water supply.

What Is Stormwater Runoff?

Businesses are responsible for the runoff from their property and can face significant fines and penalties for failing to manage it in a code-compliant manner. Stormwater from rain or snowmelt can flow from paved streets, parking lots, rooftops, and other surfaces. As it flows across impervious surfaces, the runoff will pick up trash, chemicals, sediment, debris, and other hazardous waste that can pollute local waterways. Preventing it from reaching rivers, streams, and lakes helps protect ecosystems throughout Virginia, Maryland, DC, and the regional water supplies that local communities depend on.

5 Common Pollutants From Stormwater

Many pollutants can flow from urban areas into the region’s water supply. Some of the most common pollutants in the area include:

  • Sediment: Sediment negatively impacts water quality and is one of the most important pollutants to contain. Excessive sediment can increase water temperature, dislodge plants from stream beds, and transport heavy metals, VOCs, and many pathogens. It also reduces visibility, making it harder for animals to find food and for vegetation to grow.
  • Oil and grease: Oil and grease spread over the water’s surface. This stops oxygen from reaching plants and animals. It effectively prevents photosynthesis and significantly impairs the health of marine ecosystems.
  • Pesticides: Pesticides can cause abnormalities and mutations within aquatic life. Exposure can damage organs, including the liver, kidney, and brain, and is a known cause of mass fish die-offs throughout the country.
  • Road salts: Contamination from road salts can raise sodium and chloride levels within waterways. Exposure can kill fish, insects, and many amphibian species.
  • Heavy metals: Lead, copper, arsenic, fluoride, and cadmium are common heavy metals found in runoff. Once within the waterway, these heavy metals can cause extensive damage to the kidneys and brains of aquatic wildlife.

Why Stormwater Management Is Essential for Water Purity

Our 24/7 stormwater services are customized to meet your needs and ensure your property has the effective stormwater management required by applicable state and federal codes. We maintain the certifications required to ensure effective protection, including Erosion and sediment Control Certification, Stormwater Management Inspector Certification, and Stormwater Maintenance Facility Contractor Certification.

We offer upfront inspections, clear explanations, and detailed cost estimates. We guarantee our work will deliver lasting results and will always be completed by certified engineers and project staff.

Contact iSTORMWATER to schedule stormwater management services in Maryland, Virginia, and the DC metro area today!

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Real Results

iStormwater LLC was an excellent choice. They made the process of the Stormwater pond repairs seamless. They took charge of the project and got the project approved and passing the inspection. We highly recommend them and would use them again.

Lyonswood HOA

Incredible stormwater management service. The owner John consulted on a property I manage and ended up saving us thousands of dollars in environmental fees from the government. Now, our property is compliant with the EPA and we have a great partner to keep us maintained on stormwater regulations over time.

Kelly E.

So helpful with all of my water issues.

Kel R.

Great communication and leadership and a family friendly atmosphere. Thank you John!

Brian D.
Bioswales 101: Filtering Stormwater Naturally
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As cities and commercial properties look for sustainable ways to manage stormwater, bioswales have become an essential tool in reducing runoff and improving water quality....
